Customized Training Materials

Dan is easy to work with and you can arrange any of a variety of ways to incorporate his materials into your programs.

Dan designed his publications to make them easy to modify to fit your company’s needs.  The extent of change can range from simply putting your logo on the cover to using illustrations of your jobs and developing new pages on your issues. 

The more extensive changes typically involve a site visit for Dan to learn about your operations.  Normally, he takes photographs of your work areas, which an artist then converts to line drawings.  However, if you are confident in your issues, you can send the photographs and work with Dan by telephone and email.


You may also choose to license sections of his full length books to include in your training manuals.  Examples include organizational topics like “Setting Up an Ergonomics Program” and “Creating Change” as well as technical issues like “How to Use the NIOSH Lifting Guide.”