More sights in Bataan


These photos show a cove full of fishing boats.  The cove is opposite Corregidor and during the battle, PT boats were based here.


Above left a corner store with residence on second floor.  Above right, a rural road with passenger motorbikes and overhanging trees.

This is Lake Taal on the other side of Manila Bay.  If you look closely, you can see a small volcano in the lake, which itself was formed by a very large volcano.  This has nothing to do with Bataan.  It's just a nice photo.


The Seaview Inn owned by Edna Binkowski.  If you ever visit Bataan, this is the place to stay.  The accommodations are similar to an economy lake side resort in Northern Minnesota, but probably cleaner and certainly with fewer bugs (I’m always astounded that tropical areas have fewer bugs than Minnesota).  At left is the courtyard and at right Edna's house.


Left: Other guests in the dining area.  Right: A view of Manila Bay at low tide from the window in my room at the Inn.