Feedback from Training Sessions

"Best speaker I've ever heard personally, on any topic."

"I took a class in ergonomics in college and thought it was dreadful and boring. But this was fun."

"I was stunned that we came up with some good ideas and solved some problems right during the training class."

"I’ve been to a lot of other ergonomics training classes, but your approach is the best."

"We call him 'Reverend Dan' and are tempted to shout 'hallelujah.'"

"You talk to people rather than lecture at them."

"You teach a process of problem-solving, rather than just facts and formulas."

"You make people feel good about themselves, even as you provide information."

"All the exercises and discussions were just great.  I liked it rather than straight presentation."

"I had been dreading coming to this, but this turned out to be very helpful."

"Dan is AA++."

"It’s nice to have a trainer that is so experienced."

"If you can’t take what Dan presents and turn it into success on the shop floor, then you’re in trouble."